A lot of the companies on the CompareGameHosting price comparison site will have staff available every hour of the day to sort your issues with their server host. You may not experience this until too late but a game hosting company may not be in the same time zone as you. Their are a lot of other factors to check but these ones are more important for this game. When shopping for Empyrion Galactic Survival server hosting make sure that you check these features.
#Best empyrion galactic survival server hosting software
The Canadian team behind Havoc have extensive hardware and software knowledge backing them. They know servers inside and out and this has led to them being able to slash costs while retaining quality. The reason Host Havoc have been able to drive down prices across many games is down to automation. Looking through the reviews im sure you will agree that people really appreciate the hard work they do in support. Our best rated Empyrion Galactic Survival server hosting goes to the guys at Host Havoc. This position as the cheapest is prone to changing though but we are sure the PingPerfect server will remain relatively cheap. The server locations that they have to offer spread all around the world with every region appearing to be covered. They have an extensive games catalogue and take on the newer games very quickly. The guys at PingPerfect have a reputation for always being available to help through support. In terms of the cheapest price per slot, that title goes to PingPerfect. We have summarised the 2 main factors for shopping for hosting in the paragraphs below: Cheapest Empyrion Galactic Survival Server Hosting Provider Price per slot is the best way to compare between hosting providers who offers the best value. If you are trying to find a provider to rent you a Empyrion server then you are probably doing it by price per slot. Best & Cheapest Game Server Hosting Providers Especially with newer games these support requests can take time to solve as they are new issues unseen before. Game hosting companies like to cover their back with higher prices as they usually have to deal with support requests. This is a nice surprise as newer games typically command higher prices per slot for their server. With this healthy level of competition in the niche you can find servers priced pretty low. Some of the best names in game server hosting have jumped onboard to offer Empyrion Galactic Survival server hosting. With survival you must look after your health and vital signs as well as build, giving the player a point to the game and extending its interest to you greatly. Survival – give your game-play a point and try to survive instead of stick with creative mode.

Go crazy with the building materials and build space ports and other large scale structures that can aid in your defence. Building – much like other craft and survive games you can build bases and structures as well as vehicular craft.Craft yourself a space based vehicle and you can take it into the skies and out into the abyss to explore new worlds to find more challenges to conquer. Exploration – the vast space and planets within Empyrion Galactic Survival allow for hours and hours of exploring.Although, with the array of weapons at the player’s disposal, there shouldn’t be too much to worry about! Main Features That Set Empyrion Apart After all, there’s plenty to see and explore out in space for Empyrion and it should be enjoyed with a partner.īefore too long, you’re bound to appreciate a partner that helped you take down a terrifying spider-monster on an unexplored planet. So, why not bring a friend along with you? Depending on how you want to play, you can split a ship between you or let your creativity flow and make one each. Space can be a cold, hard, and lonely place. New creatures are to be found, along with many other new discoveries, and it gives the player a real reason to explore.

Whenever a new one is located, it’s expected to be somewhat different from the last one. Each planet on offer has an interesting direction for its environment. Looking at Empyrion aesthetically, it’s set in a 3D space (literally) and allows for plenty of customisation on that player’s point of view. Why build a new rifle when you can finally perfect your favourite ship in the blink of an eye?

New species, new creatures, and more importantly, new resources are all on the cards for you. With a whole roster of planets for you to explore, the likelihood of encountering something new is incredibly likely. Do be aware, though, Empyrion Galactic Survival isn’t exactly known for being a particularly safe place. Take to the stars with your own personally designed ship and collect resources and means of survival to your hearts content. In development with Eleon Game Studios, Empyrion is the next space-faring survival game.